Biden Vetos Plan to Scrap Student Debt Redistribution
Canceling student loan debt was a lofty promise Biden made during his presidential bid. Three years later, he has made no progress. This was one of those single-issue items that caused many to vote...
View ArticleStudent Loan Forgiveness Promise Backfires
The student loan forgiveness plan backfired plain and simple. Payments were frozen three years ago in March 2020 under the CARES Act when countless people were out of work and the program made sense....
View ArticleThe Student Loan Boycott
President Joe Biden promised student loan cancelation during his initial presidential campaign. This became a big selling point for one-issue voters strapped with debt, but Biden likely knew this was...
View ArticleCollective Debt – We Must All Pay for Student Loans
Biden is destroying the financial future of generations with his reckless spending in an attempt to buy votes. Fed Chair Powell nearly admitted it in his interview with 60 Minutes in which he urged...
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